This pain in my chest

The real reason for me picking up on the blog is actually because I was (and am still) waiting for the latest episode of "How I met your mother" to stream. Kinda' hate having to share the internet, but what can one do, my roomates are pretty great in other aspects (except for one that's constantly occupying the toilet, doing nr 2). Since we moved to Paris we've grown pretty fond of each other, yet all of us find a increasingly growing relationship to food. WE EAT! Partially because we like to cook (insisting all on being in the kitchen at once, eventhough it is 4sqm) but also because we just found a Lidle nearby (score!). Really comes in hand when skipping school to watch 5 hours of BBCs Pride and Prejudice, though I regret having those last 3 muffins (therefore the chest pain) after having gulped a sixpack och "Danone chocolate yaourt" ignoring the fact that I am lactose intolerant. Living the life, Im not always this depressing (My friend "PH" usually switches with me, as if we have a ball of depression continously being tossed between us), Im just not looking forward to our final exam in almost ONE (I said almost) week. French can really make a person think, not only because it's complicated, but because it's deadening and makes one question life, no wonder it's the city people move to and die. I can't blame them, the cemeteries gives room for rest, even when alive it can be a place of thinking and breathing. Won't get snowed in on that (if one might say so in english?) however I miss Sweden and the cold snowy weather, next time somebody comes to visit they'd better bring some!
Finally my episode is ready and I shall leave you to whatever you were doing before this, (i have a problem with ending messages/posts so im just gonna leave it).


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