Dear readers, you are obliged to read this.

Fellow passengers surfing the web, I must say the world of internet truly is fascinating, only during the past few minutes I have managed to come across an old primary school flame, an ad on teen pregnancy, a communication/sex site for the elderly and the word ridonkulous: which btw(something else I have learned through the internet) means awesome/insane. These things could never be found in real life, well atleast not if you don't search for them desperately. However the making of the internet is probably the second best thing that has ever occured, after life it self (that is complicated but necessary) and before tv (which has been a true friend of mine throughout the years). So thank you God/person we don't know if he exists for creating us who then (indirectly) have created something as beautiful and flawless as the world of internet, for we all know how full of flawes the reality is (exept from math which apparently according to my teacher has no flaws what so ever, I hate math! And my teacher!). Don't mind the last sentence I just have a huge math assignment that is do on wednesday, but screw that, life is to short to be thinking about math and homeworks, so..
Think on, dream on, and live on till you hear from me again. (And you'd better look forward to it)
Good frase, ha?

Postat av: Calzone

Jag tänker att en gammal greve i Storbritannien suttit och skrivit detta medans han trycker på sitt viktorianska slott med en whisky i handen och analyserar sin omvärld. Då och då utstöter han fraser som "Oh, how preposterous" när han hamnat på dessa obskyra hörn i cyperspace, tar ett bloss på sin kubanska cigarr och skrockar för sig själv.

2010-01-18 @ 21:55:40
Postat av: sep

PREPOSTEROUS hahah my fav word. Men detta är fina grejer Nima, fast jag tänker låtsas som att jag inte gillar det eftersom du sa att min blogg sög. That's just ludacris.

2010-01-18 @ 22:41:16
Postat av: Madde

Liiiving the dreaam

2010-01-19 @ 11:55:21
Postat av: Nima (aka Lord Ridonkulous)

That's preposterous!

I'll have you know that as we speak I am having a delighful chocolate-vanilla popsicle sitting on my bed writing you this answer from my laptop and simultaneously surfing the webb for exquisite pornography (sticking to the subject of my blogg post), however I would appreciate it if you could write your comments in english, even though I happen to know swedish I'm not sure all of my fans do, so please, do it for them.

(And by the way fans, do not visit the blogg of ms Sep)

Yours truly,


2010-01-21 @ 20:14:07

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