I write to you humble as Amy Winehouse
Dear fans,
I know that you since my announcement - of having created the blogg - have eagerly been awaiting my next enlightening post, and therefore I shall not keep you waiting any further.
This morning I came across the daily newspaper on my way to school, as dissapionted as I am of myself I must say that I at first did not plan on reading this metropolitan peace of paper till I saw the picture of Amy Winehouse, there she was, as ravishing as always, and I could no longer resist reading the magazine. So having jumped all pages about Haiti (again, my appologies) I was finally reunited with my love, but it wasn't untill after I had red the article that I started thinking, and it occured to me that she must be the most unconventional jewish women I have ever come across. Knowing the jewish culture and ethics I can not help wondering, does her parents still love her? I mean, is she not going to hell (don't know if it exists) for what she has done and accomplished, cause let's face it writing a song about NOT going to rehab while obviously still choking on kokain, isn't the brightest way of influencing the public with your celebrity status. So this post is dedicated to you Amy, may the pearly gates open at your footsteps.
Think on, dream on, and live on till you hear from me again.
oy, ere inte dags för fler inlägg? im waiting!